Thursday, January 31, 2008

Burning Dudley

Acme dog wash and Dudley. I've just done something I think I've only done once before. I burned Dudley. Damn! It smells toxic. If I had any sense I'd take a break, but I want to finish my dog wash.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Late January

It is -9 outside. Tonight the wind chill will get to -40. OMG that's cold!
They interviewed a window washer in Minneapolis on the news tonight. He works for Acme . I want to do a statue with an Acme machine. Hmmm- where is Wile E. Coyote when you need him?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Crab Apple

Got one in the oven. Some people bake apple pies, I bake apple trees.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

PreMadonna & Peeps

This took me a large part of today. There are things I don't like about it . Maybe I'll put it on tomorrow. I'll see how I feel about it then.
The Pioneer Press is having it's annual Easter Peeps diorama contest. I have an idea and I would like to enter. I haven't entered anything in years. Gotta go to Target or Walgreens and get some Peeps. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rats & Dogs

Today I am making rats.
Yesterday Truman ate chocolate and threw up quite a bit. He avoided the carpet. Good dog. He's better today. Nice dog.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Sketches for four pieces. I've made two of them. I'll put the lighthouse on etsy soon.
I meant to mail my packages yesterday, but the subzero weather makes me want to stay in the house. I'll do it today, for sure. My computer tells me that it's -2 outside. Last Saturday it was -14 in the morning.That was why I made the snowman snowbird piece.Maybe I should make tropical statues. Nothing comes to mind. Brain freeze.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cats, Birds & Mice

I'm having trouble with cats. Maybe because I don't have one around anymore to model for me. I'm making two of these because Nancy suggested putting birds and mice in the candy box instead of chocolate. Good idea. If I don't hate it I will send you one, Nancy.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Here is the Pug I made for Kathy. The Scottie flew to South Carolina this morning. I hope the recipients will like them. Now I will try for Rhoda again.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dog Days

I didn't like Rhoda, So I set her aside and I am working on two custom dog pieces. One is a Pug and the other is a Scotty. They are going alright.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Bad Seed

When I was really young I saw the movie,"The Bad Seed". It really made an impression on me. Looking at it now I can see that it has some rather campy aspects. Mom is waaaay over the top. I read that it's from a play and that most of the actors were from that play. I can see that it's rather stagey. At the end, the actors all come out and take a bow to reassure audiences that this is just playacting. Mom shakes her fist at Rhoda in a playful way.
Eventually I read the play and Rhoda lives and her mom dies. Apparently a bolt of lightening killing Rhoda was preferable to the movie moral code than letting her live. It certainly was more impressive.
Anyway, I'm working on a statue of Rhoda who is up there with Eddie Haskell on my list of young people who are more interesting than Hannah Montana, or just about any kid character that I can think of, offhand.
Making people is agony.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

You call that a cat?

I've been working on this piece all day. I don't know where the time goes. I always hoped that I would reach a point where I could just whip things up really fast, but it doesn't look like that will ever happen. I draw a quick sketch and I work toward that perfect piece that I see in my head. Sometimes it drives me crazy and I have to take a break. My finished statue is never as good as the one I've imagined.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Other Places

These are two other places I work in my house, kitchen and sewing room. I take my pictures in another room. These tiny things are taking over the house.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Work in Progress

I'm working on this right now. Hopefully I'll get it done today.

Go to to see it when it's done.

I haven't figured how to set up direct links on this.
Also, check out Kathy makes marvelous jewelry.
She's been my friend since high school. We met in study hall and constantly got into trouble for talking. Good times.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Popcats II

I'm remaking Popcats. Lots of people have looked and commented on it, but no one bought it. I made it seven months ago and I think I can do better. Here is the new one half finished.
Nancy, if you read this, I'll send you the first one for your birthday. Two more cats!

January in Minnesota

I took this picture outside my downstairs window.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy place

This is my workspace.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Alex set this blog up as my Christmas present. Sweet. I don't know what to say. Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of my work.
Tonight we are watching "Big Love". Good stuff.