Saturday, June 28, 2008

Robots, Elephants and Chickens

I had to take a break and read a book. I've been worried that the internet has compromised my attention span. I have several books that I just couldn't get into.
I just finished "Water for Elephants". It was totally engrossing and I enjoyed it a lot. I feel better.
Last night we saw WALL-E, the Pixar movie. It was charming. I love anything by Pixar.
Here is a chicken.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Alternative Press

Alex found this issue of AP that has an ad for Cassidy's band. They are winding up their tour. I hope the ad helped them. He will be home next week.

Monday, June 23, 2008


We went to the Eagan art& craft show yesterday. It was a small show, but I got this wind thingee. I'm a sucker for iridescent kinetic things that don't make noise.
I'm putting lipstick on a pig because I think it's one of the most colorful phrases I've ever come across.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is a wood cardinal made by Sandra Healy. I had one sent to Jamie for her birthday. I don't have to see it in person to know that it's wonderfully made. I figured since Jamie's a St. Louis Cardinals fan she would like it. Sandra makes over 200 types of animals, all great.
Look on Etsy for SandraHealy because I still haven't figured out how to add links. I heard that John McCain said that he doesn't know how to use a computer.Wow! There are a lot of things I can't do on the computer,but at least I'm on it. It seems strange to have a guy running for president who is ignorant about such a basic information tool.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dog, Cat & Budgie

The title for this will be, "I Love You, Food". I didn't make that title up. I think it came from LOL cats. I saw it on the internet with photo of a cat and squirrel. I'm making two, one for a gift.
Saturday night we were watching TV and the weirdest sound came up from the basement. It took a second to realize that it was Truman. He was howling. It was long, loud and eerie. I've never heard anything as mournful or creepy in my life. I went downstairs and Truman was laying on the futon. He was done howling and he just looked at me like,"what?" I think he woke himself up . I've seen him growl and twitch in his sleep, but this took the cake.
Do dogs have deep, sad thoughts? I'll never know.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Of Mice and Men

I started this piece yesterday and I'm finishing it today. I'm working on a title. How do mice talk, anyway?
It's funny, when I made red velvet cupcakes for Cassidy's birthday(because that's what he likes) they just laid there kind of flat and unattractive. I can make a yummy looking cupcake that's inedible, though.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Today I finished the tortoise & the hare. The weather is so stormy that I turned on the lights in the kitchen, where I like to photograph because it has skylights. It made the picture too golden and fuzzy. I have a light box in my sewing room, but I don't use it so much any more. I prefer natural light. I'll retake them tomorrow.
My Narcissus is going to France tomorrow. Bon!
Tomorrow I will make a mouse pushing a cupcake. A while back I made a great cupcake with an unacceptable girl popping out of it. Hopefully, the mouse will be fine.
I want to make a statue using the word schadenfreude because I think that is a great word. I don't know what the subject matter will be.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sleeping Vincent

Here is Van Gogh sleeping in the bed you see in the painting of his room. I'm not quite done with it. I hope I don't screw it up somehow. I've had a few problems lately. Yesterday it wasn't hot, but it was humid and the windows were open. The humidity made the clay ooey gooey and was impossible to work with effectively. Today is better.
Clay is on sale at Michael's this week. Woo hoo! It doesn't take much to make me happy.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Van Gogh

A couple of years ago there were articles speculating that this daguerreotype might be Van Gogh. The information on the studio that was printed under the picture puts it where Van Gogh would have been at that time.
I think it could well be him. If you google his self portraits(there are several) most of them are that 3/4 pose. If I were to do a series of self portraits, I would have my picture taken. Drawing from a mirror is fine, but you get a different perspective from a picture.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bo & the Greeks

I spent a large part of yesterday working on a statue of Bo Diddley only to reject it. Rather than give up, I'm trying again today. So far, so good, but you never know. I met him years ago and he was sweet.
Jim got an email from Georgios who was one of the men from Greece who came to dinner recently. He repeated his invitation to stay at his second home there. He offered one of his cars to use while there. Gosh! We just might go. Jim wants to. My unused passport hasn't expired. I thought it had. I was supposed to go to Amsterdam years ago, but couldn't get a babysitter.
We'll see.