Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After spending waay too long making an egg I remembered that I have egg jello molds. They make a more perfect egg. One is a Peep and the other is a bird dog.
Looks like Franken might have beaten Coleman but Coleman hasn't thrown the towel in yet.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Robot & Goose

We are not into spring yet and I really wish we were. I looked out the window the other day and there was a flock of turkeys walking down my driveway. I grabbed my camera and tried to sneak up on them. Nothing doing. They all looked at me and proceeded to hotfoot it out of there. Here is a bad picture of the tail end of their parade. On the left you can see a fire hydrant with a striped pole attached to it. I've only seen these here. They are to mark the hydrant when the snow is really deep.
I was reading online about the popularity of ,"Eat Pray Love", a book by Elizabeth Gilbert. Maybe the second half was better than the first part that I read. One woman's spiritual journey consisting of traveling Europe, shopping, eating and having affairs. I just couldn't care enough to finish it.
Well, obviously this weather is making me cranky. I'll work out my spiritual journey in clay.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dogs and Flying Saucers

Today I came across this matchbook from The Bad Waitress restaurant in Minneapolis. (great turkey,cheese,bacon and avocado sandwich)
I've always loved flying saucers. It made me think about the phrase,"Beam me up, Scotty."Then I thought about saying "Beam me Scotty up." I went through a few pages of images and didn't see anything like this even though it's pretty simple.
I'll go with it

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cats & Campbells

Last night Jim's band played at the Red Stag Supperclub in Minneapolis.
Really nice place.
There was a dress like this in a frame. It's the Andy Warhol paper dress from the sixties. I looked it up and it's worth a lot now even though it sold for less than five dollars then.
It made me think of Andy Warhol and I'm making an ACEO of him right now.
Almost finished with my caterwauling cat.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Poodles and ACEOs

The Iditarod just took place and they have a winner. Here is a picture of John Suter, who raced his poodles there for a couple of years. I really like this picture.
Here are some more ACEOs. I hated one that I put on Etsy so I redid it.
Al Franken and Norm Coleman are still duking it out for the senate seat.
I ordered a Furminator on Amazon for Truman's annual spring coat stripping. It'll have to be a lot warmer for me to stand outside working on his coat to get two grocery bags of fur off of him. Back to work.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dogs, Songs and Rocks

This necklace is a birthday present for Penny that I had custom made by Kathy of Pangaeadesigns. Both Penny and Kathy are into dog agility and stuff. I had Penny contact Kathy because they both speak the same language of dogstuff. It's very pretty and is very personal to Penny. I'm glad that Kathy gave her just what she wanted.
Here are three more ACEOs. I'll probably put them somewhere soon.
We went to see Missy Higgins at the megamall this afternoon. I got to see her sing,"Where I Stood" for free. The megamall is good for things like that.
Molly and Alex are up north in Duluth and Grand Marais for their spring break. You'd think they'd be south. They both promised to bring me rocks.
I like rocks.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sun Dogs & Moon Dogs

This morning it started out below zero and we had both sun dogs and moon dogs. I knew about the phenomenon of sun dogs but I thought a moon dog was Gidget's boyfriend. The weatherman was saying that there was a ring around the moon, but I couldn't see it from my window and I wasn't about to go outside and look. A little while later I drove Alex to the train and I could see the sun dogs around the sun. Wonderful! I didn't think to bring my camera, so I borrowed this one from the local news.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rain Turning Into Snow

Someone sent me a video of the song,"I'm My Own Grandpa". I didn't like that video as much as this one with Muppets.When I was a teenager I read the Robert Heinlein story,"All You Zombies" and they mention that song. I didn't know it was a real song until a few years later and I saw a band sing it. The Heinlein story is about time travel, sex change and how the one person telling the story is both his mother and his father. So weird that I've never forgotten it. I looked, and the story is online.
I'm still working on aceos but I'm not ready enough to put them up for sale.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Here is a prototype of an aceo. That stands for art cards, editions and originals, in case you didn't know.
My Day of the Dead group on 1000Markets wants us to come up with some. They have to be 2.5" x 3.5", like trading cards. I'm working on experimenting with various ways to make them interesting yet time and price efficient. I have an awful habit of spending waaay too much time on one piece and not liking it in the end. I'm hoping to work toward just doing it efficiently and letting it go before I get too precious.
Collecting aceos is becoming a popular way of collecting affordable art. They are never expensive. Prints can be less than 5 dollars and originals can be from 15 to 50 dollars.
I'm going to look for some white liquid clay online now.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Picture of a Statue

I sold this sunbather piece almost a year and a half ago to someone assembling a book about Day of the Dead crafts. I signed a release and eventually forgot about it. I think I did that because it's an early piece and I don't like it any more. I remembered last week and looked the book up on Amazon. It's a very pretty book called,"Day of the Dead Crafts". It came out last August. Cool!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bettie, Truman and the Possum

Truman had an intruder in his yard this evening. It was a possum. This is a fuzzy picture because it was almost dark and I snapped it through a window. Truman barked at it until I let him outside. He didn't touch it. I looked it up and there's more to playing possum than I thought. Not only do they lay there but they secrete something foul smelling out of their anus. Must have been really something to deter Truman. I thought maybe the possum was emitting some kind of death ray. Flash, the basset who lives on the other side of the fence, barked his head off. This time of year you take your fun where you can get it.
The statue is Bettie Page. It's the first one I've made with hair. I realized that her hair is her trademark. Since I couldn't make a skeleton voluptuous I added the hair. Later I will paint the rest of the itty bitty leopard spots.
My bride and groom are flying to North Carolina right now. Last night I gave two pieces to the guys from Holland who were passing through again this year. It all evens out.
Here is the latest great dog video making the rounds. Do canines dream electric sheep?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cats & Plants

I was thinking of a feral cat that lived under our porch when I was young. She was missing one of her front legs. When she had a litter of kittens you'd see them following her around with one of their front paws tucked up so they walked on three legs, too. I don't know what made me remember that.
I remade Cupcake Tree and Mandrake plant. The cupcake tree is hard to photograph.