Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Sixth Day of Christmas.

I made a Kokeshi doll today. A few months ago I made three of them. They seem to be really popular. People often want something that's familiar. I just have to buckle down and work on making them faster. They don't have much detail, but I have a bad habit of fiddling with things. My prices have to be competitive to the ones on the market. Maybe I can and maybe I can't. We'll see.
I've gotten several views on my fish piece on Etsy. I looked on the treasuries and didn't see it there. It might be on someone's blog. Good!
Cassidy took Watson away for a slumber party tonight. Two cats and one dog. This will be a nice break. It's freezing outside and he's just a puppy, so he get's restless and crazy.

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