Monday, March 7, 2011

THREE little Kittens

Freda the cat will come to stay with us while Molly is on spring break.
This is my mea culpa for laughing when I tried to tell Molly about an episode of Animal Hoarders.
"Mama, I found Jingles" is supposed to be sad, but, damn, I can't say that without laughing. I must be really mean.


Anonymous said...

OK-I accidentally stumbled across your blog because I googled "mama I found jingles" and found at least one other person in the universe that thinks that's hilarious. Thank you ,sweet baby Jesus.

laughingfridge said...

omg, lol

I didn't see the show and can only imagine....

J.T. Nee said...

I tried to google it and didn't find anything , so that must mean that there might be just two of us who thought that was funny.
Thank you, Anonymous.