Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is my Peeps diorama. It's called,"Having an Old Friend for Dinner" after Hannibal Lechter's famous last line from "Silence of the Lambs". I don't think it placed in the Pioneer Press contest because I haven't heard from them. Oh, well.
When I showed it to my friend, Christie, she asked me what I would win. I told her a toothbrush. She sort of rolled her eyes and said that artists must be different from other people. She's a vice president of a company. I thought it would be good if I got my name in the paper.
Must rethink master plan.
It will be my Easter e card for my friends.
After years of hovering, directing ,but not touching my kids dioramas for school I must say that I really got a lot of pleasure from making it.

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