Monday, June 22, 2009


Disney and Tim Burton are doing a 3d version of "Alice in Wonderland". This picture looks very promising. There's never been a good film of it. The creepy surreal aspects of the book have always been played down. I just hope Burton keeps the palette as colorful as this. He uses too much gray for my taste.But that's just me.
Today I need to remake a couple of pieces and take Swine Flew to the post office.
So I will.


Anonymous said...

Alex brought over the flamingo the other day when I gave him a (much needed) haircut. What a suprise! Thank you so much. I love it.

I check your site for new sculptures every once in a while to see what new thing you're thinking up. I like the hippo birdy two ewes. That's a genius card someone gave you.

Thanks again!

-Sarah Huff

J.T. Nee said...

You're welcome, Sarah. Yes, he sure needed it.