Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Updike & Tyler

John Updike died yesterday. I read a couple of his books a long time ago and decided they were not for me. He seemed like one of those guys who write for guys. Lotsa rather disturbing sexual situations, if I remember right. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Taste in reading is intensely personal. Reading is intensely personal, for that matter. Just the author talking to you.
I just got done rereading"The Accidental Tourist". I rarely reread anything, but I resaw the movie recently. It's pretty good, but like all movies, it skims over the basic plot,
eliminating characters and leaving out lovely and important observations. Macon, the main character has a lot of interesting thoughts, only some of them made it to the movie. It might be my favorite book but I would never expect anyone to share my feelings. It's a rare book that can make me cry, but this one did. It didn't hurt that the pivotal character was a dog named Edward.
This chair is from the book jacket.

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