Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bettie, Truman and the Possum

Truman had an intruder in his yard this evening. It was a possum. This is a fuzzy picture because it was almost dark and I snapped it through a window. Truman barked at it until I let him outside. He didn't touch it. I looked it up and there's more to playing possum than I thought. Not only do they lay there but they secrete something foul smelling out of their anus. Must have been really something to deter Truman. I thought maybe the possum was emitting some kind of death ray. Flash, the basset who lives on the other side of the fence, barked his head off. This time of year you take your fun where you can get it.
The statue is Bettie Page. It's the first one I've made with hair. I realized that her hair is her trademark. Since I couldn't make a skeleton voluptuous I added the hair. Later I will paint the rest of the itty bitty leopard spots.
My bride and groom are flying to North Carolina right now. Last night I gave two pieces to the guys from Holland who were passing through again this year. It all evens out.
Here is the latest great dog video making the rounds. Do canines dream electric sheep?

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